Meet Shawna Mayo of JSB Maine

I’m really excited to introduce you to Shawna Mayo of JSB Maine and JSB Arts. Her story is so powerful and inspirational, I have no doubt you will be touched by its facets as I have been.

Can you sum yourself up in 3 sentences? Give it a go!

I am a disabled OIF veteran that has now embraced the ceramic arts as both therapy and a way to make extra money. I am the mother to an amazing 10 year old son and fiance to a man that has stood by my side as my health has continued to decline. I live each and every moment to the fullest and choose to find the silver lining in every event; every moment and event in our lives provides a life lesson if we choose to listen.

Kokopelli Ring Holder – $12

Tell us about what you sell:
I sell a wide variety of ceramic arts; primarily hand built. I love making pieces that make people smile and are also functional. Ring dishes, garden stakes, small mugs, plates, and lots of wearable art.

What is your favorite thing about creating?
My favorite thing is the release and therapeutic effects it has for me. When I sit down in my home studio to “work”, I go into my own little world and am able to block the physical pain and emotional turmoil. I lose all track of time and am enveloped in a creative fog. I listen to music on my iPad and let the creativity flow.

Black Cat Silhouette Plate – $18

Where do you find your inspiration?
Most of my inspiration comes from nature, my family, and my heritage. Living in the middle of the woods in northern Maine offers daily inspiration.

Do you have any advice for other sellers?
The biggest piece of advice is not give up. Getting noticed on Etsy and anywhere else in today’s market does not happen overnight. Perseverance is key. Believe in yourself and believe in your product. Do not allow yourself to produce products that are of lesser quality just to be able to push them out faster. Quality will always win over quantity.

Pink Rose Cabinet Knobs – $12

Do you have a coupon code for us?
MEGANSBLOG = 15% OFF Just for readers of this blog.

Where else can we find you?
Twitter – @JSBArts

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