Tag Archives: handmadebbusiness

Implementing Lessons Learned

Silver Beaded Bracelet

If your a handmade business junkie like me, then you probably LOVE scouring the web for nuggets of information and tips on how you can better your business model, earn more profits, and grow your network.

There is a never-ending wealth of information out there, it’s amazing.

You can sit at your computer, with a stack of books at the local library, or in an audience seat at an entrepreneur’s conference, and learn how to run a successful business to your heart’s content. Just when you think you know it all – there is more to learn.

Learning all of this information is great, and reading on new tips and tricks can be invaluable to how you run your business.

But only if you implement your new knowledge.

Reading on how to take bright, crisp photographs is cool, but it only helps you if you actually use that tutorial and start using those tips in your own photography.

Reading up on how to identify your target market will only help you if you take the steps to steer your business into attracting those target customers.

Learning how to write fabulous blog posts won’t do you a lick of good if the only think you post is a treasury once a week.

I could go on. But I’ll let you do that for me: what’s something you’ve learned about but have yet to put to good use?

Now you know what I’m going to tell you to do next. Take that lesson you praised so much, and apply it!